Associate security measures with software, third parties, units and RTs and find them by inheritance in your processing cards or contracts cards. A Measures tab allows the association of security measures on the Data Controller, Unit, Software & Tools and Third Party forms.

Do you have a data protection policy established in your organization? Create the corresponding measure at the RT level. It will be inherited and displayed in all the Controller's processing cards.

Is access to a department protected by biometric access control? Associate this measure with the department concerned so that it's displayed in the processing cards implemented by this department.

Has your organization signed a data processing contract with a subcontractor (Third Party)? Specify this in the subcontractor's file by associating it with the corresponding measure.

For example, from a processing card, Data tab, you have selected the software used:

Open the software card from the link in the processing sheet or Administration > Tools > Software & Tools then select the security measures included in the tool:

These measures will be automatically displayed in the summary of all processing cards using this software:

Inherited measures are shown in the “Level” column:

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