Customization options
The system offers all the flexibility to adapt to your organization:
Display of your logo, your color theme, your welcome text...

Optional chat
The interface is offered without the button

Customizable questionnaires
You fully develop your questionnaires, determine the mandatory responses, whether they must be integrated into the standard fields, the wording to best address the submitters, etc.

Limitation of requests (specific rights requests)
The button is hidden. The submitter does not access the history of his requests and no longer has the possibility of adding a new one. He will be able to make a new request once the first has been processed and closed.

Automatic or manual archiving and anonymization (specific rights requests) 
The archiving of requests can be automated, for example, 2 months after the closing date. The form is anonymized as soon as it is archived unless the person has another request being processed. Anonymization deletes the exchange thread in the chat, the attachments left by the person and their contact card.

Protected attachments (specific rights requests) 
Les pièces-jointes échangées via l'interface sont protégées par filigrane